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Download Peaceful Co-parenting Messenger in the App Store
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  • Is my cell phone device supported?
    Peaceful CoParenting Messenger is an app for Android and iPhone users. Subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the home page for updates on the app!
  • Is Peaceful CoParenting Messenger available for Android?
    The Android version is available on the Google Play Store. Click here to download.
  • How can I contact support?
    Email us at and we would absolutely love to hear from you!
  • How do I leave a rating and review Peaceful CoParenting Messenger app?
    You can rate and review through the Peaceful CoParenting app on either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store depending on if you have an iPhone or Android phone. We always appreciate a 5-star review or leave us a feedback message if it's less than 5-stars here: Thank you!
  • Why should I use Face ID and Touch ID?
    You can login to the app very easily using Face ID and Touch ID so that you don't have to enter your username and password correctly every single time. Go to Settings inside the app. Navigate to Privacy & Security. Enable Touch ID or Face ID for very easy login every time!
  • Why do I need to enter my username and password EVERY single time?
    Entering your login credentials every single time you use the app ensures that YOU are the one sending messages to your co-parent. We have had several users concerned that another party was sending messages on their co-parent's behalf, without their knowledge. In order to maintain the integrity of the app, security is a high priority. One way to make this process easier is to enable biometrics for your phone and login to the app very easily using Face ID and Touch ID so that you don't have to enter your username and password correctly every single time. Go to Settings inside the app. Navigate to Privacy & Security. Enable Touch ID or Face ID for very easy login every time!
  • What if only one co-parent subscribes to the app?
    If only one co-parent subscribes to the app, the other party will still be able to use the app for free. Both co-parents do not need to subscribe. If you are the co-parent who subscribes to the app, you will have access to all the premium features that allow you to limit your co-parent's communication. The other co-parent can use the app for free but will not have access to the premium features unless they also subscribe. As users, your accounts are independent of one another.
  • How do I get started using the Peaceful CoParenting Messenger app?
    Download Peaceful CoParenting Messenger and sign up for a new account. Once you've logged into the app, invite your co-parent to use Peaceful CoParenting Messenger by navigating to the chat page and pushing the bright green + sign on the bottom right hand of the screen. Input your co-parent's name and email addresss. Your co-parent will receive an invitation from Peaceful CoParenting in their email inbox asking them to download the app and connect with you. Once he/she has downloaded Peaceful CoParenting Messenger and set up an account using the temporary password in the invitation email you will receive an email confirmation that your accounts have been matched. Now you are able to use the app to communicate by sending text messages.
  • How do I change or update the information I provided when I signed up?
    You can change your personal information by logging in to the Peaceful CoParenting app, navigating to the Settings tag and then clicking on Personal Information. You can change your name, your children’s names and “other” names.
  • When I try to sign in to my account, it says that the other parent has not yet signed up, but I know they have.
    Your username is your complete email address. Please be sure to enter your address entirely and correctly each time. Passwords are case-sensitive. If you are still unable to sign in, please try to reset your password. If you do not receive the password reset email right away, please double check your email’s spam and junk folders. Also, be sure to add to your email’s contacts list before trying again.
  • What is the purpose of other names?
    You can change your personal information by logging in to the Peaceful Parent app, navigating to the Settings tag and then clicking on Personal Information. You can change your name, your children’s names and “other” names.
  • How do I share my conversations with my attorney or other third party?
    The best way to share your communication with a third party is to email them a complete copy of your record in PDF format. You can do this directly from the Records page of the app.
  • How do I generate a report of my conversation with a co-parent?
    1) Open Peaceful CoParenting Messenger 2) Click on the "Reports" tab 3) Select your contact 4) Fill in the details of the Communication Report (date range, whether to include attachments and highlight marked messages) 5) Fill in the email address where you would like the report to be sent 6) Hit send!
  • How do I know when the other person has read my messages?
    Once a message is successfully posted, both users can see the time it was sent. You will also know when the other parent first views your message because the day and time they opened your message will be logged below the message content (even if they do not post a reply). When using the Peaceful CoParenting app, users also receive a notification that there is a new message.
  • How do I log in to my account?
    Log in using your username which is your complete email address. Please be sure to enter the email address you used to set up your account with Peaceful CoParenting Messenger and type your address entirely and correctly each time. Passwords are case-sensitive. If you are still unable to sign in, please try to reset your password. If you do not receive the password reset email right away, please double check your email’s spam and junk folders. Also, be sure to add to your email’s contacts list before trying again.
  • How can Peaceful CoParenting Messenger help me communicate with my co-parent?
    Being able to communicate with you is a privilege. If that privilege is being abused by your co-parent, start setting some boundaries around text messaging that will help bring some control and peace back to your life. Choose a “status” with your co-parent that can help you regain some control over text messages received while still maintaining the ability to communicate about what matters most... your children. See below for information on each "status" you can select: Extended, Brief and Canned. You can also limit the number of messages per day, how many messages you receive in a day, the time you receive messages and whether or not you allow attachments.
  • What is Extended Chat?
    Extended Chat is for co-parents who communicate well with each other. There is no limitation to the length of each message. Attachments are allowed which means you are able to attach pictures and documents to messages. Video attachments are not allowed in Peaceful CoParenting Messenger to preserve our ability to accurately document every conversation and be able to generate an accurate report.
  • What is Brief Chat?
    Brief Chat was created to help parents get to the point and stop ranting. Each message is limited to 50 characters or less which means they must choose each word wisely and cut out the subtle jabs and lengthy abusive messages. Attachments are restricted in Brief Chat to reduce the possibility of one co-parent using an image to harass or abuse the other co-parent. Video attachments are never allowed in Peaceful CoParenting Messenger to preserve our ability to accurately document every conversation and be able to generate an accurate report. If you’d like to limit how many messages you receive from your contact – you can do that too! Read below about “limiting messages” for further details.
  • What is Canned Chat?
    Canned Chat was created to help parents who can’t seem to escape from abusive text messages – even by limiting the length of each messages (using Brief Chat). When you select Canned Chat for your co-parent, only pre-written messages are allowed thereby eliminating all opportunity for abusive messages. Many pre-written messages allow for some customization using children’s names, time, date and map features. Inside the app, click on the Canned Chat page to scroll through the pre-written messages and take a look at what's available. Also, if you’re using Canned Chat and you would like to suggest we add an additional pre-written message that you’re missing, please email us:
  • "Chats" available in Peaceful CoParenting Messenger...
    Extended Chat: • A FREE and safe way to text message with your co-parent. • Attach documents and pictures to text messages easily! • No restriction to message length. • Great for co-parents who communicate well. ​ Brief Chat:​ • Confine message length to 50 characters or less to keep messages concise and to the point. • Attachments restricted to reduce potential conflict and preserve our ability to keep accurate records of communication. • Available with subscription. ​ Canned Chat: • Limits your co-parent to pre-written messages that focus on issues that commonly come up between co-parents: drop-offs, pick-ups, medical/dental, events, etc. • Available with subscription.
  • What types of limitations can I set up with my co-parent to set communication boundaries?
    Limit the number of messages per day: Determine how many messages you would like to receive per day (from midnight to midnight). That way, your phone won’t blow up with message after message from someone who needs to take a breath. Limit the times you receive messages: Set a curfew on messages from your ex so you’ll never receive a nastygram right at your bedtime ever again. Upsetting messages received during work hours will never throw you off your game again when you use this feature. Insist on a waiting period to cool off: Sometimes when we take the time to ponder what we really want to communicate we can find the strength to be nice and concise instead of allowing a kneejerk reaction to spin a nastygram we’ll regret. This feature forces your contact to wait a certain amount of time you will determine (5, 10, 15, etc. minutes) so you can’t get message after message, after message again.
  • How do I cancel my subscription?
    We wish we could help in this area by easily cancelling your subscription when requested, however, because the subscription occurs through the App Store and Google Play Store, it must be cancelled through them. For Apple App Store go here: For Google Play go here: We're sorry to see you go and would appreciate your feedback on why you would like to cancel. Please send us an email on how we can improve!
  • How do I upgrade to use Brief or Canned chat?
    There are several ways you can upgrade your account to be able to access all the Premium Features that allow you to set communication boundaries. 1. On your phone, scroll to the Chat Page where your contacts are listed. Then click on the Peaceful logo in the lower left hand of your screen. 2. On your phone, scroll to the Settings Page. Click on Account Settings. 3. You can also upgrade by changing the status of your co-parent contact anytime by clicking on the 3 dots next to their name when the contact’s chat page is opened. The 3 dots are located on the top right hand corner of the screen.
  • Why does the app say I need to pay?
    Peaceful CoParenting Messenger is free when you use Extended Chat with no limitations to your communication with your co-parent. In order to use special features that help you set communication boundaries with your contacts: Brief Chat, Canned Chat, limiting messages per day, setting the time of day you want to receive messages and establishing a waiting period between messages, a user needs to subscribe.
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