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Download Peaceful CoParenting Messenger for Android phones

Peaceful CoParenting Messenger 


Set Communication Boundaries


No more

 He Said, She Said

Image by Amir Hanna

Take the Control Back!

Peaceful CoParenting is a messaging tool for co-parents that creates harmony by giving users the ability to set boundaries around communication while maintaining the flow of information about child-related matters.

The Back Story
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Listen here for the inspiration behind Peaceful CoParenting Messenger and also to hear about the Premium features inside the app that may help you and your co-parent communicate better!

Great for new users to discover how to get the most out of the app.

Why Us

Why use Peaceful CoParenting Messenger?

Co-parenting is a journey that can include bumps in the road, unexpected hurdles and emotional times.  Peaceful Parent grows with you on this journey by giving you the tools you need to gain peace with every step.

FREE to sign up, FREE to use!​

  • Limit the length of text messages so they're concise and to the point

  • Set the number of messages you'd like to receive each day

  • Determine the time of day you want to receive messages

  • Choose pre-written messages that help co-parents keep the peace

  • Flag and highlight "important" or "offensive" messages

  • Enjoy knowing the date and time messages are sent and seen​​

  • Export entire message thread, or those in a date range to share with others or print for court-admissible use

  • Tamper-proof and unalterable documentation of communication to use in legal situations.

  • Safe and Secure

Peaceful Tools

Extended Chat:

  • FREE and safe way to text message with your co-parent.

  • Attach documents and pictures to text messages easily!

  • No restriction to message length.

  • Great for co-parents who communicate well.

Brief Chat:

  • Confine message length to 150 characters or less to keep messages concise and to the point.

  • Attachments can be allowed or restricted to reduce potential conflict

  • Available with subscription. 

Canned Chat:

  • Limits your co-parent to pre-written messages that focus on issues that commonly come up between co-parents: drop-offs, pick-ups, medical/dental, events, etc.

  • Available with subscription.

Additional Features:

  • Ability to set how many messages you receive per day.

  • Ability to set the time of day you receive messages.

  • New message notifications to stay on top of developing communications.

  • The power to set a waiting period between messages to reduce increasing hostility and limit back to back messages.

  • Ability to invite multiple users to chat with you inside Peaceful CoParenting Messenger app.

  • Generate records of communication in .pdf document for other purposes such as court

How It Works
Image by Markus Spiske

Limit Opportunities

to Rant

Image by Volodymyr Hryshchenko

Easily Find and Share Flagged Messages


Secure and


What users are saying:

Watch Video

Keyboard and Mouse

user Feedback

"For parents in my position with an emotionally/mentally abusive ex partner, this type of messaging system is such a lifesaver. I can’t even describe how thankful I am to finally have a way to keep my distance but still be able to keep in contact for what’s important, the kids. So thank you!" 

— A.L., co-parent

Peaceful CoParenting Messenger  for FREE!

Just go to the Apple App Store and search for Peaceful CoParenting Messenger. Try the app for FREE!  Upgrade to start setting boundaries and taking the control back for more peace and harmony in your life.


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